Initial research findings using machineMD’s technology at Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Oculomotor disorders in Multiple Sclerosis - an overview and innovative detection methods 
M. Katsimpoura, J. Haselon, R. Klimas, R. Gold, T. Bremova-Ertl, J. Motte, A. Salmen
supported by the German Multiple Sclerosis Society (DMSG e.V.)

In clinical practice, the binocular evaluation of oculomotor disturbances is often deprioritized, considered to be both complex and time-consuming. Despite this, disturbances in eye movements, especially internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) and different forms of acquired nystagmus, are frequently observed in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. 

Objectifying subjective visual complaints can facilitate earlier detection of oculomotor disturbances, allowing for more precise imaging diagnostics and potentially influencing therapeutic decisions. Beyond diagnosis and optimized treatment for the underlying condition, symptomatic treatment options can be provided to patients. These should be administered as individualized treatment trials under strict therapeutic monitoring, particularly given the generally low evidence base. Future technological advancements may assist in the objective assessment of oculomotor disturbances across diverse neurological disorders.

#InternuclearOphthalmoplegia #Saccades #Diplopia #Nystagmus


Read the full article in neuro aktuell (German):