A non-invasive medical device that comprehensively assesses eye movements, pupils, and visual fields.
Improve clinical efficiency with standardized, automated exams
Visual Field Screening
Binocular Pupillometer
Ocular Alignment
Fusional Amplitudes
Gaze Holding & Fixation
Smooth Pursuit
Increase patient comfort with a head-mounted device
Industry-leading eye tracking
neos™ uses infrared eye tracking at 200Hz, comfortably mounted in a headset with a range of refractive error correction lenses.
neos™ is designed to be operated by medical assistants and technicians, all from one simple user interface.
Secure and scalable
neos™ processes all data securely in the cloud, enabling you to easily access downloadable reports from your desk.
neos™ quantitative reports
neos™ systematically presents visual stimuli to both eyes individually and together, measuring the resulting eye movements and pupillary changes of each eye, and charting this data in an examination report. A total of 8 examinations can be performed in under 12 minutes, or shorter exam sequences from 3 minutes.
Example: binocular pupillometry
Example: ocular alignment (alternate cover test)
Pioneers using neos™ in clinical practice include,
machineMD is proud to work with clinical partners around the world, including
Get started with neos™
Our partners at Von Hoff AG are ready to help you get started with neos™ in Switzerland.
machineMD Inc. is based in Boston, MA. Our team are ready to help you get started with neos™ in the US.A.